
Deniz Matveev, Trainer an der Akademie für Konflikttransformation
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Denis Matveev

Trainer for Conflict Simulation and Dialogue Processes

Denis Matveev is a consultant, facilitator and pedagogue in the fields of conflict transformation and dialogue. Denis has worked with governments, de facto authorities, intergovernmental organisations and NGOs in Ukraine, Russia, Moldova/Transdniestria, Armenia, Azerbaijan & Nagorno Karabakh, Georgia/Abkhazia, Sri Lanka and Romania. He has also worked on shorter term assignments focused on Afghanistan, South Sudan, Kyrgyzstan and Burma. His main organisational affiliation is currently in the role of Senior Adviser at CMI - Martti Ahtisaari Centre.

Previous to the current professional focus, Denis developed a career in the business sector, heading the corporate strategy unit for a major Australian financial services company. Denis holds an MA in Peace and Conflict Studies from the European Peace University (EPU) in Stadtschlaining, Austria and a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Melbourne.

He has previously taught Masters courses at the University of Basel and the EPU, and professional development courses at the forumZFD Academy for Conflict Transformation, Geneva Centre for Security Policy, Ahram Canadian University (Egypt) and PATRIR-IPDTC (Romania) as well as providing training and coaching on dialogue and mediation processes to OSCE, UN DPA, UNDP and Commonwealth Secretariat staff.