
Moloko Malakalaka
© Moloko Malakalaka

Moloko Malakalaka

Trainer for Decolonising Peace Work

Moloko Malakalaka is a trainer, peace practitioner and community facilitator born and based in South Africa. He has over 18 years of experience working in peacebuilding and transitional justice fields with the Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR) and Freedom House – Southern Africa (FHSA) responsible for project coordination and management, funds disbursement, monitoring and evaluation of various community and institutional programs. Moloko worked in different communities with civil society organisations in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Angola and Uganda supported by funding from development agencies mainly from the Global North to facilitate capacity building of NGOs in the Global South and strengthening community based interventions to address reconciliation and peacebuilding measures within institutions, systems and practices that recognize and adhere to human rights and conflict sensitive attitudes.

Moloko currently offers consulting work as an independent consultant focusing on training and facilitation in Leadership Development, Organizational Strategy Development, Race and Racism, Diversity in the Workplace and Conflict Transformation. Moloko maintains that a global collective appreciation and acknowledgment that peacebuilding, conflict transformation and respect for human rights are ingredients for global human dignity and anti-racial prejudices in confronting past injustices of colonialism.