
Anne Dirnstorfer
© Anne Dirnstorfer

Anne Dirnstorfer

Trainer for Creative Techniques in Conflict Transformation

Area of Expertise:

Theatre Work in Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding, Mediation and Dialogue, Theatre of the Oppressed, Playback Theatre


Anne Dirnstorfer is a theatre trainer, a mediator and a systemic coach. She holds a Master’s degree in Social Sciences and worked in the field of peacebuilding since 2005. Her special interest is to combine theatre approaches with mediation and dialogue work and to design projects that integrate art in peacebuilding strategies. She gained working experience in Cambodia, Central America, Germany, Myanmar, Nepal and the Ukraine. From 2009 to 2014 she worked as a regional trainer in conflict transformation for the Civil Peace Service (ZFD) Program of GIZ in Nepal. In 2015 she initiated the project “EnActing Dialogue” on reconciliation processes through Playback Theatre. Recently, she is working in communal conflict counseling as well as supervisor and coach in Germany.

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