Participatory Media

Exploring the Strategic Value of Participatory Media in Peacebuilding

Participatory Media
© forumZFD

Information about the seminar

Time frame
Seminar type
Online Seminar
Seminar language
Early bird price

Early Bird: 315 € when booking before 5 September 2023

Registration Deadline: 17 October 2023

Update: Latecomers can register until 30 October 2023, we still have a few places available in this training.

Due to technical difficulties, the system currently reports in some cases that the course is fully booked.
But there are still places available in this training. If you encounter this problem, please contact us:

Who can register for this course?

This course invites peacebuilders from all backgrounds interested in exploring participatory media in an open and active way. No prior experience is necessary, just the willingness to listen, express, learn, and unlearn, to foster a deeper understanding together.

Depending on methods and topic of the training, we limit the number of available spaces to a manageable size (a maximum of 20 participants). Register early to reserve your place!


Participatory media can be used to start or deepen dialogues, gather and/or validate qualitative data about a conflict context, and enable perspective-taking of different groups and of community storytellers. This training will outline ways in which a participatory media process can both facilitate individual and collective reflection on issues participants believe are critical to peace in their community, and provide participants with the skills they need to construct and represent a story of their choice. A strong focus is given towards participatory video as a baseline approach, with applications towards other content production.      


  • Understand what participatory media is and the strategic value it can add to peacebuilding
  • Become well-versed in Participatory Video as one method for achieving core peacebuilding objectives: facilitating dialogue, integrating different perspectives, and identifying connectors and dividers in a community. 
  • Discover basic strategic communication principles on dissemination, purpose, and impact
  • Gain confidence with tools, strategies, and illustrative examples to design and run a participatory media process.

Key Concepts

  • The intersection of citizens' participation and digital media
  • Case studies showcasing the application of participatory media across different mediums and objectives
  • Participatory video as a powerful tool for facilitating dialogue and reflection
  • Human-centered design approach: how the audience dictates your medium and process
  • Best practices for creating and implementing a successful participatory media process.


This training methodology combines interactive and prescriptive teaching methods to facilitate a hybrid transfer of transnational knowledge and skills, with an emphasis on context-specific content. Real-world case studies serve to inspire thought-provoking questions and offer feasible examples. The participatory learning methods, following adult learning principals and a human-centered design approach, enable participants to develop the skills and confidence necessary to execute a successful participatory media process.

In the course, participants use a variety of tools, including a digital learning platform, a video conferencing tool, and an online whiteboard. Participants should therefore have a good internet connection (1 Mbit down/upload or better). A headset is highly recommended.



  • Regular and active participation in the live sessions.
  • Independently prepare and work on the provided material between live sessions.
  • Submit a concept paper at the end of the training, presenting your own participatory media project idea.

After a successful participation, participants receive a certificate and become part of our alumni network.

Total expected weekly hours: 10 to 11 hours per week


Technical Introduction on 27 October 2023 from 13:00 to 14:00 CET
Online Live Sessions from 31 October 2023 to 9 November 2023, every Tuesday and Thursday from 13:00 to 17:00 CET

 Register bindingly for this training.

For further information on our cancellation policies and financing options, please see our FAQs.