
Michaela Leiss
© Michaela Leiss

Michaela Leiss

Trainer for Foundations of Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation, PME, Designing Peacebuilding Projects, Do No Harm, Peace Education

Michaela has worked as facilitator, project/programme manager and consultant for various INGOs in the field of Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation (CT) in the Middle East and North Africa from 2009 (freelance from 2017). She holds a Master’s Degree in Conflict Resolution and is a certified trainer and coach. Michaela specialises in CT training and consulting, including systemic conflict analysis, (nonviolent) communication, mediation, negotiation, team-building, project cycle management, RPP, PME, Conflict Sensitivity, peace education, community mobilising, self-care, training of trainers and creative methodologies for CT such as Theatre of the Oppressed, Psychodrama, and dance. Her motivation to work in this field stems from the deeply held belief that a peaceful world in which violence is no longer seen as a legitimate means to deal with conflict is possible.